
POST api/{siteCode}/V4PurchaseOrder/CreateV4PurchaseOrder

No documentation available.


POST api/{siteCode}/Contact/WriteNewContact

This call is used to create new records where the Customer Account Number is not known

POST api/{siteCode}/Contact/WriteNewAddress

This call is used to add Address records to an existing account where the Customer Account number is known

GET api/{siteCode}/Contact/GetAllCustomerRecords

Gets a list of all customer records.

GET api/{siteCode}/Contact/GetAllCompanyRecords

Gets a list of all company records.

GET api/{siteCode}/Contact/GetCustomerDetails?CustAccNum={CustAccNum}

Gets customer details for a specific account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Contact/GetCollectionAddresses?CustAccNum={CustAccNum}

Gets a list of PICKUP addresses for a specified customer account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Contact/GetShipperAddresses?CustAccNum={CustAccNum}

Gets a list of SHIPPER addresses for a specified customer account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Contact/GetConsigneeAddresses?CustAccNum={CustAccNum}

Gets a list of CONSIGNEE addresses for a specified customer account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Contact/GetDeliveryAddresses?CustAccNum={CustAccNum}

Gets a list of DELIVERY addresses for a specified customer account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Contact/GetSalesAddresses?CustAccNum={CustAccNum}

Gets a list of SALES addresses for a specified customer account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Contact/GetAccountsAddresses?CustAccNum={CustAccNum}

Gets a list of ACCOUNTS addresses for a specified customer account number.

PUT api/{siteCode}/Contact/UpdateContactRecord

This call is used to update an existing record where the Customer Account Number is known


GET api/{siteCode}/Document/GetListOfDocuments?jobNumber={jobNumber}&custAccNum={custAccNum}

Gets the list of document properties stored against the specified Job Number where the documents have been published to the specified customer account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Document/GetDocumentByID/{ID}

Gets the document by identifier.

POST api/{siteCode}/Document/PutDocument

Provides an upload mechanism to allow storage of documents against the specified Job Number / Customer Account Number combination within the physical file system.

POST api/{siteCode}/Document/PutWarehouseDocument

Provides an upload mechanism to allow storage of documents against the specified Warehouse Job Number / Customer Account Number combination within the physical file system..


GET api/{siteCode}/Accounting/GetValidatedSalesInvoices?branchCode={branchCode}

Gets validated sales invoices and associated charges. Invoices must have been validated in BoxTop.

POST api/{siteCode}/Accounting/AcknowledgeValidatedSalesInvoices

Acknowledges the receipt of sales invoices allocating a batch reference and transfer date.

GET api/{siteCode}/Accounting/GetValidatedPurchaseInvoices?branchCode={branchCode}

Gets validated purchase invoices and associated costs.

POST api/{siteCode}/Accounting/AcknowledgeValidatedPurchaseInvoices?branchCode={branchCode}

Acknowledges the receipt of purchase invoices allocating a batch reference and transfer date.

POST api/{siteCode}/Accounting/UpdateSalesInvoicePayment

Updates the sales invoice payment date.

POST api/{siteCode}/Accounting/UpdateCustomerCreditHoldStatus

Updates the customer credit hold status.

POST api/{siteCode}/Accounting/UpdateCustomerCreditLimit

Updates the customer credit limit.


POST api/{siteCode}/Job/CreateJobData

Creates a full JobData record.

POST api/{siteCode}/Job/CreateBooking

Creates a booking record and notifies the recipient.

POST api/{siteCode}/Job/CreateJob?prefix={prefix}

Creates a job record in BoxTop.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobById/{id}

Gets the Job record by identifier.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobByJobNumber?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the job by job number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobByJobNumber5199?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the job by job number including new properties added in BoxTop version 5.199.000.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobByCustRef?account={account}&reference={reference}

Gets the job record by client reference.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobByCustRefNoAccount?reference={reference}

Gets the job record by client reference.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobDataDates/{id}

Gets the job data dates.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobDataDates?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the job data dates.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetAllJobsByAccount?account={account}

Gets all jobs by account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetAllJobsByPrincipalAccount?account={account}

Gets all jobs by Principal account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetAllJobsByCustomerAndPrincipalAccount?account={account}

Gets all jobs by customer and Principal account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobsByNumberOfDays?numberOfDays={numberOfDays}

Gets all jobs limited by the number of days.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobsByAccount?account={account}&numberOfDays={numberOfDays}

Gets all jobs by account number limited by the number of days.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobsByPrincipalAccount?account={account}&numberOfDays={numberOfDays}

Gets all jobs by principal account number limited by the number of days.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobsByCustomerAndPrincipalAccount?account={account}&numberOfDays={numberOfDays}

Gets all jobs by customer and principal account number limited by the number of days.

GET api/{siteCode}/Job/GetJobDataWithVesselIMO/{id}

Gets the jobdata record with vessel imo and carrier scac.

PUT api/{siteCode}/Job/UpdateJobDataDates

Updates the job data dates.

POST api/{siteCode}/Job/JobStatusUpdate

No documentation available.

POST api/{siteCode}/Job/ContainerBookingUpdate

Updates the job and container records

PUT api/{siteCode}/Job/UpdateJobDateToETA?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Updates the job date to eta.


GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetAllProducts?custAccNum={custAccNum}

Gets all product sku numbers and barcodes.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetSKUQuantity?custAccNum={custAccNum}&skuNumber={skuNumber}

Gets the available quantity for the specified SKU number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetSKUQuantityGroupedBySKUGroup?custAccNum={custAccNum}&skuNumber={skuNumber}

Gets the available quantity for the specified SKU number segregated by SKU Group.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetSKUQuantityBySKUGroupNotBondedNotQuarantined?custAccNum={custAccNum}&skuNumber={skuNumber}

Gets the available quantity for the specified SKU number segregated by SKU Group where items are not located in areas including the words BOND or QUARANTINE.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetAllSKUQuantities?custAccNum={custAccNum}

Gets all SKU quantities for the specified account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetAllSKUQuantitiesNotBonded?custAccNum={custAccNum}

Gets all SKU quantities for the specified account number where items are not located in an area called BOND.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetAllSKUQuantitiesNotQuarantined?custAccNum={custAccNum}

Gets all SKU quantities for the specified account number where items are not located in an area that includes the word QUARANTINE.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetAllSKUQuantitiesNotBondedNotQuarantined?custAccNum={custAccNum}

Gets all SKU quantities for the specified account number where items are not located in areas including the words BOND or QUARANTINE.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetStockCheckByWarehouse?custAccNum={custAccNum}

Gets available inventory for a specified customer grouped by warehouse.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetStockCheckByWarehouseAndSKU?custAccNum={custAccNum}&skuNumber={skuNumber}

Gets available inventory for a specified SKU for a specified customer grouped by warehouse.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetWarehouseOrderStatus/{id}

Gets the status of the warehouse order .

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetPickOrderStatus/{id}

Gets the pick order status.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetPickOrderStatus2/{id}

Gets the pick order status - Pick/Pack reversed.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetSKUGroups?custAccNum={custAccNum}

Gets a list of sku groups.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetWarehouseJobReference/{id}

Gets the warehouse job reference from the ID.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetWarehouseOutsByCustAccNum?custAccNum={custAccNum}&numberOfDays={numberOfDays}

Gets the warehouse outbound records with associated pick line by customer account number and period.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetWarehouseOutByWarehouseJobNumber?warehouseJobNumber={warehouseJobNumber}

Gets the warehouse outbound record by warehouse job number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/GetEmptySKUGroups?CustAccNum={CustAccNum}

Gets a list of sku groups that have no related skus.

POST api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/CreateWarehousePick

Creates the warehouse pick.

POST api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/CreateWarehousePick?fullResponse={fullResponse}

Creates the warehouse pick.

POST api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/CreateWarehousePickSKUOnly

Creates the warehouse pick by sku number only.

POST api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/CreateWarehouseCheckin

Creates the warehouse checkin.

POST api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/CreateSKURecords

Creates multiple SKU records.

POST api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/CreateSKURecord

Creates a SKU record.

POST api/{siteCode}/Warehouse/CreateSKUGroup

Creates a SKU group.


POST api/{siteCode}/Milestone/WriteMilestoneToJob

Writes a milestone record to a job.

POST api/{siteCode}/Milestone/UpdateMilestoneEvent

Updates an existing milestone event.

GET api/{siteCode}/Milestone/GetAllMilestoneEvents?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets all milestone events for a specified Job.

GET api/{siteCode}/Milestone/GetLatestCompletedPublishedMilestoneEvent?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the latest completed published milestone event for a specified job.

GET api/{siteCode}/Milestone/GetLatestCompletedMilestoneEvent?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the latest completed milestone event for a specified job.

GET api/{siteCode}/Milestone/GetLatestPublishedMilestoneEvent?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the latest published milestone event for a specified job.

GET api/{siteCode}/Milestone/GetLatestMilestoneEvent?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the latest milestone event for a specified job.

GET api/{siteCode}/Milestone/GetCompletedPublishedMilestoneEvents?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the completed published milestone events for a specified job.

GET api/{siteCode}/Milestone/GetCompletedMilestoneEvents?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the completed milestone events for a specified job.

GET api/{siteCode}/Milestone/GetPublishedMilestoneEvents?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the published milestone events for a specified job.

GET api/{siteCode}/Milestone/GetNextMilestoneEvent?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the next milestone event for a specified job.

GET api/{siteCode}/Milestone/GetFailedMilestoneEvents?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the failed milestone events for a specified job.

GET api/{siteCode}/Milestone/GetSpecificMilestoneEvent?jobNumber={jobNumber}&milestoneName={milestoneName}

Gets a specific milestone event for a specified job.


POST api/{siteCode}/Transport/CreateTransportNote

Creates the transport note.

GET api/{siteCode}/Transport/GetTransportNoteByID/{id}

Gets the transport note by identifier.

GET api/{siteCode}/Transport/GetManifestByDriver?driver={driver}

Gets the manifest by driver.

GET api/{siteCode}/Transport/GetManifestByVehicle?vehicle={vehicle}

Gets the manifest by vehicle.

POST api/{siteCode}/Transport/WritePOD

Writes a pod to the originating job. Where the delivery reference is in the format xxxxxx-nnnn parse xxxxxx as the JobNumber and nnnn as the DocumentID. Where the delivery reference is in the format xxxxxx parse xxxxxx as the JobNumber and ignore DocumentID.

POST api/{siteCode}/Transport/CaptureSignature

Captures the signature.

GET api/{siteCode}/Transport/GetPODSignature/{id}

Gets the pod signature.


POST api/{siteCode}/PurchaseOrder/Create

Creates the purchase order.

GET api/{siteCode}/PurchaseOrder/GetPOById/{id}

Gets the purchase order by table ID.

PUT api/{siteCode}/PurchaseOrder/UpdateMilestoneDates

Updates the Critical Path Milestone date.

PUT api/{siteCode}/PurchaseOrder/UpdatePOItemQty

Updates the purchase order item qty.

POST api/{siteCode}/PurchaseOrder/AddOrderReference

Adds a reference to the purchase order.

PUT api/{siteCode}/PurchaseOrder/AmendOrderReference

Amends the purchase order reference.

DELETE api/{siteCode}/PurchaseOrder/DeleteOrderReference/{ID}?orderID={orderID}

Deletes the order reference.

PUT api/{siteCode}/PurchaseOrder/UpdateOrder

Updates the order confirmation date and number.

DELETE api/{siteCode}/PurchaseOrder/DeleteOrderItem/{ID}?orderID={orderID}

Deletes the po item.

DELETE api/{siteCode}/PurchaseOrder/DeletePurchaseOrder/{ID}

Deletes the purchase order.

POST api/{siteCode}/PurchaseOrder/AddOrderStatus

Adds an order status.


GET api/{siteCode}/Reporting/GetJobList

Gets an unfiltered list of all jobs in the database.

GET api/{siteCode}/Reporting/GetJobListCustAccNum?custAccNum={custAccNum}

Gets a list of jobs filtered by customer account number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Reporting/GetJobListCustAccNumDateRange?custAccNum={custAccNum}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Gets a list of jobs filtered by customer account number where the job date is between the startDate and endDate.


POST api/{siteCode}/POD/WritePOD

This service will process batches of PODs for either Courier consignments, Delivery Notes or Jobs. Courier consignments are recognised by the Consignment Reference. Delivery Notes are recognised by the Job Number and Note ID [JobNumber]-[NoteID]. In the event that the ID is not provided the POD will be processed as a Job.

GET api/{siteCode}/POD/GetPOD?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the pod record for a specified job.

POST api/{siteCode}/POD/WriteSupplierPODBatch

This call is for use by third parties sending batches of PODs that are destined for other siteCodes.

POST api/{siteCode}/POD/WriteSupplierPODBatchByAWB

This call is for use by third parties sending batches of PODs that are destined for other siteCodes. Shipments are recognised by awb.


POST api/{siteCode}/ShippingInvoice/WriteShippingInvoice

Writes the shipping invoice header only.

POST api/{siteCode}/ShippingInvoice/WriteShippingInvoiceItems

Writes the shipping invoice line items for an exiting invoice header.

POST api/{siteCode}/ShippingInvoice/PostShippingInvoice

This call creates a commercial shipping invoice and packing list. Either a JobNumber or WHJobNumber is required to determine which shipment this record should be associated to.

GET api/{siteCode}/ShippingInvoice/GetShippingInvoice?JobNumber={JobNumber}&InvoiceNumber={InvoiceNumber}

Gets the shipping invoice.


POST api/{siteCode}/Quote/WriteQuote

Writes the quote.

GET api/{siteCode}/Quote/GetQuoteByQuoteReference?quoteRef={quoteRef}

Gets the quote by quote reference.


POST api/{siteCode}/Financials/WriteJobChargesRecord

Writes a cost/charge record. It is essential that GetChargeDescriptions, GetPermittedCurrencyCodes and GetTaxCodes are run to validate the data prior to calling this method as no validation takes place on entry.

GET api/{siteCode}/Financials/GetJobCharges?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the job charges.

GET api/{siteCode}/Financials/GetJobCosts?jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets the job costs.

GET api/{siteCode}/Financials/GetJobChargesBySalesInvoiceNumber?invoiceNumber={invoiceNumber}

Gets the job charges by sales invoice number.

GET api/{siteCode}/Financials/GetPermittedCurrencyCodes

Gets a list of permitted currency codes.

GET api/{siteCode}/Financials/GetChargeDescriptions?mode={mode}&jobNumber={jobNumber}

Gets a list of permissable charge descriptions and associated nominal account codes. If mode is empty then all records will be returned.

GET api/{siteCode}/Financials/GetTaxCodes

Gets a list of tax codes, tax rates and tax code descriptions.


POST api/{siteCode}/Courier/CreateCourierBookingBatch

Creates a batch of courier bookings.

POST api/{siteCode}/Courier/CreateCourierBooking

Creates the courier booking.

POST api/{siteCode}/Courier/CreateCourierJob

Creates a full courier job.

POST api/{siteCode}/Courier/CreateCourierJob?prefix={prefix}

Creates a full courier job - multi-branch environment.

POST api/{siteCode}/Courier/CourierStatusUpdate

Status update for a Courier Job.

POST api/{siteCode}/Courier/CourierStatusUpdateBatch

Status update for multiple Courier Jobs.

GET api/{siteCode}/Courier/GetCourierJobByID/{id}

Gets the courier job by identifier.